Contact Us

Thank You for your interest in Ibad Ar-Rahman. Please contact us for any query that you may have.

Ibad Ar-Rahman aims to help the people of Pakistan and Azad Kashmir, by providing them with financial support, education, food and subsistence. We are trying to provide vital and much needed support & services to these area.

These areas have thousands amongst them who are desperately poor, orphaned, widowed or disabled. Our objective is to collect funds in an effective, efficient and wholly accountable manner, and ensure that these funds are distributed throughout the region, to the needy.

UK Head Office

Postal Address:
226 Selbourne Road
LU4 8LU United Kingdom

Other contact methods

Tel: 01582 513037
Fax: 01582 513037
Social Media: Facebook

I B A D - A R R A H M A N