Widows and Orphans
We support widows & orphans to help them become self-sufficient in future

A trained lady teacher provides training in tailoring to widows and orphan girls. It will train them to make a living for themselves and not have to depend on others to support them. On completing the training they will be given machines and accessories to work for themselves or in partnership with other trainees. Support will be also provided to start the business. Ibad Ar-Rahman will encourage, support and provide accessories to widows and orphan girls with other skills, which could be help them become self-sufficient.
There have been territorial conflicts in these areas for many years, and subsequently widows and orphan children have been the casualties, left behind. The traditions and customs of rural life make it particularly difficult for orphan girls, especially when it comes to them getting married and starting families of their own.
Ibad Ar-Rahman provides financial help and assistance with bridal clothes, a few basic ornaments and a simple dinner.